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Kasus Aplikasi

Anjeun aya didieu : Imah>Kasus Aplikasi

Otomotif sareng Industri Mesin

Waktos: 2021-09-26 Hit: 130

The precision vertical double disc mesin grinding of Yuhuan CNC are widely used in the grinding of piston rings, bearings, connecting rods, valve plates, brake discs, oil pump blades, fasteners, magnetic materials, cemented carbide and other auto parts. All these vertical grinders are equipped with Mitsubishi or Siemens CNC systems and Marposs online detection device for easy & precise operation.

Connector rods

Connector rods

Dual Metal Valve

Dual metal valve

bagian mesin

Bagian mesin

engine Bagian

Mesin bagian

engine Bagian

Mesin bagian

Mesin bagian

Mesin bagian

Klep Mesin

Klep Mesin

Cingcin Piston

Cingcin Piston

roller arah

roller arah

Round Valve

Round Valve

