YUHUAN CNC MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD nampilkeun kado ka Poé Nasional taun 2024, ngahaturkeun wilujeng tepang taun ka ibu pertiwi.
2024-09-30In the beautiful season of autumn breeze and national jubilation, we usher in the birthday of our great motherland in 2024. All employees of Yuhuan CNC are full of passion and pride, and extend the warmest and most sincere holiday wishes to the motherland, wishing the motherland prosperity and peace!
téhnologi mesin grinding permukaan disc ganda kami geus kacida dipikawanoh ku konsumén ring piston
2024-09-25In an important technical exchange and equipment inspection activity on September 23, our company successfully received distinguished customers from the piston ring manufacturing field.
YUHUAN CNC bakal hadir dina 2024 Chicago International Mesin Alat Tembongkeun, sarta grinders motong-ujung na alat polishing anu kacida diantisipasi.
2024-09-10Welcome to the Yuhuan CNC booth (booth number: 236187),YUHUAN CNC MACHINE TOOL Co., Ltd., as China's leading precision machining equipment manufacturer, will bring a number of newly developed grinding machines and grinding and polishing machines to the exhibition.
Produsén bearing Rusia badag ngadatangan pabrik urang jeung balik kalawan kapuasan. Ningali maju ka gawé babarengan munggaran urang.
2024-08-14Recently, a well-known Russian bearing manufacturer came to our factory for an in-depth investigation and exchange. After a comprehensive understanding of our factory's production equipment, process flow, workshop hygiene and overall management, the manufacturer expressed a high degree of satisfaction and recognition.
Mesin Penggilingan CNC YUHUAN Sakali deui Lebet ka Pabrik Amérika, Puji Dijieun di Cina sareng Pabrikan YUHUAN
2024-07-05Mesin Penggilingan CNC YUHUAN Sakali deui Lebet ka Pabrik Amérika, Puji Dijieun di Cina sareng Pabrikan YUHUAN
YUHUAN CNC MACHINE TOOL Hadir SEMI-e di ShenZhen Salila 26th ~ 28th Juni.
2024-06-27YUHUAN CNC MACHINE TOOL CO., LTD nyangking rupa-rupa alat mesin inti anu dikembangkeun sacara mandiri ka 6th Shenzhen International Semiconductor Technology and Application Exhibition (Singgetan SEMI-e).